Investor Relationship

In line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 AD, and our project to build a human being, we believe in the importance of preserving the Arab spirit and cultural values that distinguish us as a people, and at the same time we realize that development and progress are necessary to interact with the modern world and the future.

Element List Explanation
Introduction With reference to the announcement of Gulf Training and Education Company on the Tadawul website dated 21-09-1446H (corresponding to 31-03-2024G) regarding the signing of a sale and purchase agreement with the shareholders (“Selling Shareholders”) in Adwaa Al-Hedaya Private Schools for Boys and Girls (“Adwaa Al-Hedaya”) (“the Agreement”), to acquire one million and six hundred thousand (1,600,000) ordinary shares in Adwaa Al-Hedaya shares, equivalent to 80% of Adwaa Al-Hedaya shares, in exchange for the company issuing new shares to the Selling Shareholders (“New Shares”) (“Acquisition Transaction”). The supplementary announcement as of 25-02-1446H (corresponding to 29-08-2024G) regarding the signing of the amended sale and purchase agreement,

The company would like to announce the latest developments to its shareholders.

Previous Announcement Issuance of the decision of the General Authority for Competition regarding the non-objection to the completion of the economic concentration process related to the acquisition deal between the Gulf Training and Education Company and Adwaa Al-Hedaya Private Schools for Boys and Girls (a Saudi closed joint-stock company).
Date of Previous Announcement on Saudi Exchange’s Website 2024-09-05 Corresponding to 1446-03-02
Hyperlink to the Previous Announcement on the Saudi Exchange Website Click Here
Latest Developments Of The Announced Event The company would like to announce to its shareholders that it has submitted a request to The Capital Market Authority to increase its capital by issuing new shares with Adwaa Al-Hedaya Private Schools for Boys and Girls shareholders.
Reasons For The Delay on The Date of The Event Previously Announced NA
The costs associated with the event, and if they have changed or not with indication of the reasons. NA
Delay consequences on the Company’s financial results NA
Additional Information NA


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