Welcome to Alkhaleej Training and Education Company

Complaints & Grievances Committee

General Instructions

Dear our employees,

As the company care about employee’s voice to maintain safe and stable work environment and to increase the good communication between the employees and the company. We’ve created the employee’s voice committee to review any complain, escalation or suggestion. Before you fill in the form and go to the committee, you should follow the following steps:

  1.  Anyone is affected by a decision taken by his management should submit a request to his direct manager within 3 days from the date the decision was taken. The manager has the right to get back to his team or the HR team in the decision.
  2. If the employee is not persuaded with the results that was taken by his management or he doesn’t receive a reply within 15 days from the request date, the employee has the right to escalate his request to the employee voice committee.
  3. The employee has to attach the documents and the results of his complain if possible. We don’t accept the verbal complains or anonymously messages.
  4. The committee review the request and notify the employee with the result after the committee head certify it.
  5. The employee will not hurt if he submitted a complain

To review the company’s work guidelines according to the Saudi labor law. Press Here

To review the Sanctions and irregularities guide, Press Here

I’ve read all of the guidelines and instructions and I agree to follow the mentioned instructions in it.