Net profit (loss) 68,888,847 86,064,328 -19.96
Earning or loss per share, Riyals 1.72 2.15
Gross profit (loss) 180,183,930 194,348,808 -7.29
Operational profit (loss) 81,800,389 96,577,902 -15.3
All figures are in Saudi Arabia, Riyals
Reasons of annual financial results the decrease in the current period compared with the corresponding period of the previous year is due to decline in computer sales and English language because of the holy month of Ramadan in the second quarter of 2015, as well as high social security costs resulting from the modification-Saudi employees’ salaries , decease in results of subsidiaries Co. in addition to the high financial burden during the period and decrease in other income .
Other notes Earnings per share for the comparable period of 2014 has been adjusted retrospectively so as to show the impact of free shares. which is approved in 21/4/2015(40 million share) because of increase capital from 350million to 400 million

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