Introduction | The Company signed a training Contract with the Branch of Airbus Defense and Space GmbH on 25 February 2019 |
Date of announcement of the assignment | 2019-02-25 Corresponding to 1440-06-20 |
Subject of contract | English Language Training Courses |
Date of contract sign off | 2019-02-25 Corresponding to 1440-06-20 |
Contract Value | SAR 17,850,000 |
Contract Details | The company will provide English language teaching services to 3.500 Saudi Border Guard personnel In accordance with the contract between the Airbus branch and the Ministry of the Interior. |
Contract Duration | 3 Years |
The financial impact and period that this project will affect | The Financial impact of this contract will appear during the year 2019 and after |
Related Parties | There are no related parties |
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